Statutory audit is designed to provide a reasonable level of assurance to users of financial statements. Most organizations are required to at least annual financial statements to record their activities. A major part of this is ensuring that your financials meet not only the high standards imposed by the International Financial Reporting Standards but also that they are fully compliant with the laws of the land. We work to ensure that your organization is meeting all its obligations under the statutes and provide practical, proactive, and up-to-date advice to help you continue to do so.

We meet all your needs for full financial reporting in compliance with various statutes. Our expertise includes reporting for companies, Membership organisations, micro-finance institutions, insurance companies and brokers, parastatal bodies under various acts, Co-operative Societies including Saccos, and charities.

Strong financial and organisational controls are essential to protect the organisation’s assets and ensure the integrity and reliability of the financial information on which the Board relies in its decision making, external reporting and longer term planning.

We offer organisations an independent review of their current internal controls to assess their robustness and satisfy the Board that the controls are fit for purpose. We conduct independent, objective assurance and advisory activities in conformity with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. We evaluate and contribute to the improvement of governance, risk management and control processes.

We carry out audits of time-bound projects such as those of multilateral and bilateral donor funded programmes, public sector construction projects, charities with finite lives, ad-hoc audits of components of a project or entity and similar assignments. We may include non-financial audit work in this category where, for example a certain level of monitoring and evaluation reporting is required.

Project audit is designed to provide a reasonable level of assurance to providers of grants and management engaged in using funds for projects and other value for money considerations. Most organizations are required to prepare at least annual financial statements to record their activities. Often other reporting is also required; for example, on the spend relating to individual grants, or to satisfy the needs of a regulator or other interested party.

We specialise in fraud investigations, litigation support, asset tracing and reputational due diligence. We provide forensic and litigation support services in commercial disputes, fraud and financial investigations; professional negligence actions; asset tracing and money laundering investigations; competition and regulatory enquiries and bribery and corruption investigations.

Our approach is focused and proportionate, quickly identifying the critical aspects and ensuring you can make informed decisions in a dynamic dispute resolution and investigatory environment. We have the resources and experience to react quickly and cost effectively to assist in resolving disputes.

Our compliance audit procedures ensure that a comprehensive review of an organization’s adherence to regulatory guidelines to deliberately identify weaknesses in regulatory compliance processes. Our service goes beyond weaknesses identification to creating a path for improvement. The compliance Audit reports evaluate the strength and thoroughness of compliance preparations, security policies, user access controls and risk management procedures.

Compliance auditing is useful in risk management while also mitigating potential legal trouble and regulatory federal fines for noncompliance.